ADHD I wanted to have a word with you. It was like a bad movie, made by one of those auteurs; Or, I forget the term that I mean to say -- it’s the opposite of that, like a moon to a sun. Anyway, with mind skipping like celluloid, I wanted to focus but couldn’t Concentrate But I made a poem as the night played a trick on my mind, and so unethically bound Every word, which was chopped up into almost nothing and wanting to turn the leaf (to leaf through or pull through or whatever I meant to say then) to cover up the meaning of the word, to flow down a river as smooth as a glass of wine, a Cava from some European winery that I cannot pronounce even though I idolize the place like a personification And I Swerved to avoid the misunderstanding, did what I could to produce Noise. Perhaps this is a new thought, but only to you. Perhaps instead, this is an old thought, For a word I had with you was steeped in blue, and as soon as I had it it bid adieu to me, but sadly not you.