

A hook 
Latched onto my heart  
And started pulling down  
Down down  
Into my gut  

I followed this hook down  
The chain crafted  
Securely made  
Of injustice  

Forged out of the fire 
In the souls of those  
And beaten down  
Into submission  

The very people  
Working in the heat  
To make those chains 
The flames  
Flicking their legs  
And arms  
Burning the hairs  
Searing the very skin  
That brought them there 

They labor  
While we sit pompous  
To change  

The chain lead me down  
To the pit in my stomach 
Filled with swirling darkness  
And confusion  
The pain they feel everyday  
I feel just once  
In a while  

For a while  
It’s easy to forget  
Lucky as I am  
As these terrors  
Bring me no threat  

I sit atop my privilege  
Looking down  
At the village  
That built me up  
Can I break it down? 

I climb that chain  
Back up to my heart  
My muscles strain  
Against the weight of my body  
Heavy with systems  
That have been ingrained  
Into my being 

On my journey 
Through gritted teeth  
I find myself  
Longing to carry others 

Ones I’ve shamed in my silence  
Ones I could never imagine
Faces strained in pain  
And anger and passion  
Subtle frustrations  
My brain can’t fathom 
Lifting up those  
Who may not need me  
But I wish to carry 

We journey to my heart  
Where the forces of my thoughts 
Live and die in conflict  
A battle continuing  
And ever increasing  

Guilt rules this battle field  
But I will no longer succumb to it  
I’ll wield it as my weapon  
To remind me  
Of what I’m lucky enough  
To forget  

I’ll use my guilt  
To keep the fire lit  
In the place my soul sits  
A fire kept ablaze  
By people  
Who were born  
With it inside of them  