I Dare You

I dare you
I dare you to tell me that you know me
My mind,
Or my body

I dare you to tell me you love me
As if you give a shit about me
Like our relationship is anything other than a whole ass catastroph​e
I dare you to say that we are family
Because that would mean that our roots are from the same tree
When really
You’re a leaf that I can’t wait to see fall and fly free

I dare you to tell me you’re sorry

Tell me all tha​t ​you regret
Like I’m supposed to give a shit I dare you to
Beg for my forgiveness
As if I am not a witness
To the way, your words can be so vicious
I dare you to look me in the fucking eye
And tell me not to cry
And the reason that I want to die
Must be a lie because it begins with the word “you”
But don’t worry because you and I will see the real fucking truth

I dare you to tell me you know who the fuck I am
Or worse,
Try and lie,
Tell me that you give a damn

S​ay that you understand where I’m coming from
As if your feet and mine are the same amount of numb
From our very different walks of life
And unlike yours, my new shoes are still yet to come
You can say that you see my hurt when you look into my eyes
Or that you’ve tried all my tries
And that you wouldn’t dare criticize
But don’t you worry,
In my mind, I know better
I know those are lies.
And I dare you to tell me otherwise.

I dare you.
In my mind, I know better
I know those are lies.
And I​ dare you to tell me otherwise

I dare you