social anxiety

“social anxiety” 

my social anxiety  
makes it hard for me to breathe.  
my chest begins to compress 
and my thoughts become foreign to me 
as if I hadn’t been rehearsing my answers in my head  
since the question was presented. 
“Tell us your name and a fun fact about yourself.” 
as if that is so easy. 
I can’t remember the phrase I’ve been repeating all day 
scattered from memory 
my hands shake  
my thoughts race 
my face becomes flush 
and I laugh to cover up  
the fact that my vocal cords are being crushed 
by the pressure of measuring up 
as your eyes  
and everyone else’s  
watch me  
while my eyes dart around the room  
trying to distract myself from what everyone else must be thinking 
as my thoughts are blank at the simple question of  
“What is your name?”  

I Don’t Know 
I Don’t Know 
I Don’t Know 


Ask someone else.