There are ghosts here

There are ghosts here 

There are ghosts in my house 
and they won’t let me leave 
I got comfortable here 
I made my bed here 
I fell asleep here 
I made love here 
I live here 

They coddle and hold me 
tell me that I am beautiful 
tell me that I am perfect  
tell me that I am heavenly 
tell me that I am whole 
they tell me that I am okay as I am 
that I don’t have 
to change 
to get better 
to grow 

it’s warmer in places that you grew up in 

The spirits guide me to safety 
but they cut out the seatbelts and ripped out the brakes  
they say that I just need faith 
to stay alive and I believe them 
that I only needed to trust and that would keep me from busting my head
through the fragile glass 
but it didn’t 

I don’t blame the faith 
I blame the spectors that told me it was the only way 
They fed me full of reliance 
and codependency and told me it was better like this 
They told me that I had to  
or that I didn’t really believe 
They tricked me into thinking that  
I didn’t have a choice 
They made me believe that I was wrong 
that they knew best 
that they knew more 
that they were the experts on the world but they’re the ones who are dead.