Thunderstorm Tears

“Thunderstorm Tears”  

I want to wash my worries away 
in the middle of a thunderstorm,  
so that you can’t see the pain  
streaming down my face –  
disguised by the pouring rain.  

I tilt my face up toward the sky  
to watch Earth’s tears fall into my eyes –  
beauty in its own right.  
And strength in the daily fight  
to live life fully. 

Show me the storm  
so that I might see the light 
on the other side, 
and I will be forever grateful  
for each ray of sun, 
and every drop of rain  
that comes into contact with  
my skin 
my life 
my existence. 

I will not  
live my life in vain.  
I will learn to wear  
my feelings with pride – 
on my sleeve and not hidden inside – 
life’s true beauty lies  
in the ability to care 
through the ups and downs of life.  

That is the magic 
of the human experience. 
And I wouldn’t trade it 
for anything.