A Nightmare

Akbar Hosain

Overhead is circling a ceiling fan

with a regular tempo

peacefully, comfortably…

My book on the shelf

neatly nestled

by the topic of area

thoughts, feelings and dreams

captured in the form of the black letters and words

doze off in slumberous mood

A glass full of water

kept on the table in case of need

at dead of night

My mosquito net above

shelters me well from those blood-sucking creatures

i listen their raucous struggle

to get inside and get their hunger satisfied

My little daughter sleeps so soundly

beside her caring father

her regular breathing:

the rise and fall of her chest

almost reminds me

of a time when a solitary cowboy sitting on the paddy fields

keenly watching the ebb-and-flow of the paddy-heads

and counting grasshoppers one by one

and then eagerly listening to the coo-coo of the shy spring bird

streaming from a nearby bush

My bed feels so soft and comfy

Once the tired head reclines upon the pillow

One is overcome by sleep and dream

The room is semi-dark

Street bulbs sending some of their benign light into my chamber

Wide awake, I am surveying all around

Night is always mysterious to me

Just the rotation of time, of heavenly bodies

Transforms my world of senses

A drab picture is changed into a heaven

Ah, heaven!

with the blink of an eye

the glass falls down splintering into pieces

The mosquito net flies away somewhere

exposing me to the greedy blood-suckers

books on the shelves tumble down

The ceiling fan gets loose of its nut and bolts

and crushes upon us

My daughter, my daughter!

her little heart beats slow…slower till it stops

Far, far from her in the paddy field

the lonesome cowboy lied: low, lacerated

and still as lead.