
Maisie Mehn

When the stars fall

and the ocean roars

will you survive?

When the earthquake kills

and the moon turns red

will you be in the sky?


We lived.


When we feared aliens

as we had never been so far

from home.

And we feared our own kind

as we were too weak

to defend ourselves.


We adapted.


We used the technology

God had thought he destroyed

and we became new.

But we still feared ourselves

because we saw what was out there

and it knew we didn’t belong..


We killed.


We searched for a way

to become one with the strongest

and to test on the weakest.

They were inferior

as we viewed ourselves

as the superior.


We closed our eyes.


Because if we opened them

we would realize we defied God

and turned our back on the Earth.

we would see that as we search

for our new home

we are the aliens.