It’s All About The Sauce

Janelle Stapleton

The slight, Spring breeze hitting the back of Daniel’s neck felt a lot cooler than he expected it to be, but then again he had been sweating bullets all day. As he gazed out at the lavish, flower-filled park, he found it hard to find temporary relief in the giddy laughter of the young children running along the field of vibrant pinks, purples, and yellows. Nothing could remove this crippling anxiety that has been building inside of him all week. The pressures of all the extensive hours of planning were finally coming to a head and for the first time in forever, he couldn’t handle it. Most people would think that for an up-and-coming culinary student, he should’ve been able to handle the heat, and most days he could, but not today. Today was different. Unlike the challenge of a fast-paced dinner rush at his family’s restaurant or his perfected use of fierce concentration needed to locate and collect the best of ingredients, there was one recipe that Daniel had yet to figure out; the recipe of the perfect first date. 

While sitting on the checkered blanket underneath a large willow tree, Daniel had begun setting out the meal that he had prepared for Joi, a gorgeous Creative Arts student, that he had had a crush on. Using the time that he had left before Joi arrived, Daniel relieved some of his anxiety by preparing their meal because unlike dating, cooking was like second nature to him. One by one, he removed the plastic lids from the containers of an array of savory dipping sauces that he created himself as a way to impress Joi with his skills. There were sweet sauces, spicy sauces, and sauces of many colors. As he was placing the sauces on the blanket, Daniel took time to admire his work. He was admiring it for so long that he didn’t notice that Joi was walking up to him. While still reaching into the picnic basket and grabbing the last few sauces, Joi began calling his name. 

“Daniel!” she says. “Hey Daniel!” 

After five minutes of Daniel not noticing her, Joi decided to tap him once she got close enough.  

Little did she know that a still nervous Daniel had one more sauce container in his hand at the time and he had already removed the lid. 

“Hey Daniel!” Joi said again as she gently tapped his shoulder. 

“Woahhh!” exclaimed Daniel as he abruptly turned to face the person who had startled him with the sauce still in hand. 

Finally recognizing the kind eyes and warm, vibrant smile that belonged to Joi, Daniel briefly relaxed until he noticed that the once snow-white dress that Joi was wearing was now splattered by the bright, red marinera sauce that was in the container he was holding just five seconds before. 

“Joi! Your dress, I’m so sorry!” Daniel says as he passes her some of the napkins he had stored in the picnic basket. 

“What do you mean? It was just an accident Daniel. It’s no big deal.” She smiles in hopes of lightening the situation. 

“I wanted this date to be perfect, but instead I just messed it up as soon as you got here.” he sighed.  

“Daniel, look at me,” she says placing both of her hands on his shoulders. “I’m an artist remember. Where most people see a mess, I see art and I just so happened to be your culinary canvas. So, do us both a favor and breathe.”  

“Okay.” Daniel shyly laughs. 

Finally taking what seemed like his first deep breath, Daniel grabbed the large picnic basket as Joi sat across from him on the blanket and they enjoyed the meal that Daniel prepared. 

“Oh, and by the way,” Joi says. “These sauces are delicious!”