Letter from the Editor-in-Chief

2022 has been a wild ride to say the least, but it has also been quite bittersweet. I accepted a full time position which I will start post graduation in May, so this is the last semester I get to spend with Euphemism. Thankfully, we have strived to make the most of this semester! ISU provided us with another semester of in person learning, so we have been able to meet face to face for our staff, editorial board, and committee meetings. We even held a pizza party with our staff to celebrate the time and energy they put into being a part of our committees!

Although my time at ISU is ending, I will never forget the amazing memories I have made because of Euphemism. I am lucky to call many Euphemism members my friends, and know that we will still keep in touch long after we all leave ISU.

I hope you all enjoy reading through this issue 17.2!

Anna Heiar

Editor-in-Chief, Euphemism