Jarod Sage
i wanted to start a garden but i
wasn’t sure how. i got a raised-
bed plot and and i got my
landlord’s approval and i
scanned old online tutorials
and i told myself “i need to
start a garden” and i repeated it
beneath my breath and i let it
spin around my head and i even
wrote down the phrase as some
attempt at putting page to pen.
i listened to that album by
Haley Heynderickx of the same
name, i let the repeat be a
symbol for taking care of me
for managing my attention for
salvaging from this depression
what i lost, lost over these years
and years and years and years
and then– never near– i did
no growing no feeding no
planting no sowing no seeding
merely thinking, merely seeing
ideas fly around my mind,
desire seeping — bleeding — but
somehow always incompletely.
i didn’t build the plot it just sat
in the rain by a hummingbird
feeder never hung and free soil
never flung across the lawn
floor to store and to tend and
grow and rend, no wait for life
to seize its day just a gift
certificate for a local plant shop
lost, my body locked across a
couch in a cluttered room, no
fervent push to move but still i
race with doubt that i’ll ever do
the things i always say i want to