Spaced Out

John Baldwin

Commander Blaine left his earth-based home in the usual way…by sleek personal air shuttle. He greeted the pilot chauffeur cheerfully. It was just a brief transit. His destination was the spaceship “Outreach”, hovering in place a few miles in the air for security reasons. Upon arrival on board, the Commander was greeted respectfully by the loyal crew.

“Good morning, Sir, we stand ready for your orders”, said Executive Officer Gronk. He was tall and imposing with a distinctively orange-tinted face. The Commander believed this might be a characteristic of the people from Gronk’s birth planet. He’d never seen anyone on earth of this color.

“Justin, all recovered from our last mission?’ inquired Doctor Oliver Moss, one of the few addressing the Commander by his first name. This intimacy was earned as the boss’s longest-term shipmate and friend. Doc’s expertise had proved critical in many encounters they’d had with aliens – injuries suffered; toxic environments; and even dealing with misunderstandings. Justin remembered well that macho standoff he’d had with Argul, leader of the powerful ape resembling Nullends.

Argul had sneered: “We’ll find out who is the greatest warrior. Choose your weapon.” Laid out was a brutal assortment of swords, maces and other fearsome items. Seated around on pillows were members of the Nullends Council and the Outreach crew. The Commander was fearless but hesitant. A fight would inevitably mean a failure of the mission. The Doctor whispered something in his ear. Argul chose a hefty double-sided ax which looked like a toy in his muscular grasp. To the alien’s surprise, Justin selected… just a pillow! He declared: “This shall be my weapon. I again apologize for any unintended remark you found offensive. Do what you will. I accept the consequences.”

Argul froze with weapon in hand, then registered an expression that likely was his kind’s version of a smile. “We value bravery and humility above all else. You’ve demonstrated both. For that we salute you. Let us seek a friendly alliance instead.” The Doctor had relied on his intuition when counseling Justin. He counted on the cultural values of the proud Nullends to prevail over their warring ways. Justin was mindful of other such times when Doc had tempered his more aggressive impulses.

With all crew gathered in the Control Room, the Commander declared with his customary gusto: “Here we go again. More adventures into the unknown… where no man has…” He didn’t finish, recalling that this phrase was attributable to a certain revered hero from the past. “O.K. start the count for launching. Our mission is renewed.”

And what a mission it was for Outreach. No less than visiting other worlds in our universe identified as containing some signs of life. Not to control or dominate, but rather to maintain peace everywhere. This ambitious journey was undertaken on behalf of the Authority, empowered by the World Unification Compact. It contractually joined all of earth’s nations together with certain shared goals for humanity.

Commander Justin Blaine was confident in his ability. He had always been an achiever. Not the best at everything ever tried, but always competitive. With his brown hair streaked grey, manly features suiting a heroic figure, his leadership quality and self-confidence seemed evident and well earned. The universe held endless surprises. He couldn’t wait to seek them out.

One hour later Outreach was ready for blast off. Its destination a rogue planet identified merely as “UP75 (for the 75th Unknown Place)”. It was calculated to take twenty-nine days of travel to reach that destination at hyper speed. The ship would be on automatic control until then. The

crew members readied themselves to lie in individual pods and be tranquilized for the journey. The Commander prepared to do the same.


Actors, TV crew, cameras and other equipment surrounded the Control Room. The large full view front windshield of the Outreach set appeared to display their earth city fixed in position several miles below. It was not. Director Miles Haven was filming the 200th episode of “The Outreach Chronicles”. This rather corny science fiction series had been the top-rated TV network show for seven seasons. It was still going strong. The public couldn’t get enough of the space adventures, the simple moral issues addressed, and most especially, Commander Blaine. Gronk, the Doctor, and Serene the psychologist had also come close to iconic status.

So, is this just a story about imagined space travel adventures? Yes…to all but one person this was a beloved, if not first quality, TV series. To Commander Blaine, however this was honest to goodness life. It was not fictional! How could this be?

On an ordinary morning some three years earlier, Justin had jokingly bestowed a dramatic goodbye kiss upon his wife Vivian and infant son Devon. They were merely making a crosstown visit to her mother. “Yes, she said teasingly, we’ll return from this dangerous five-mile adventure in a few hours. Meanwhile, you’ll be captaining your spaceship to the far reaches of the universe. Do be careful.”

“My God, how my life is blessed” thought he as they drove off. An adored healthy and happy family. A wonderful lifestyle afforded by his being the star actor in The Outreach Chronicles. Such a signature role that his own name was used for the Commander character. The Series had slipped a bit in the polls, but another year’s renewal seemed likely. Filming was scheduled later this afternoon of the latest episode. With coffee in hand, he picked up the script again and within

a few hours had it thoroughly memorized. The phone rang and he answered. Wham! That was the end of the life he knew.

“VMX News Flash…Within the hour, the wife and child of actor Justin Blaine of Outreach Chronicle fame, were tragically killed in an auto collision. Details to follow.”

Eight weeks later, the Director held a private meeting with the cast of the Series, excluding only Justin Blaine. “We must together undertake a bold experiment. Justin suffered severe shock from the unfathomable loss he recently suffered. As a result, he seems to have submerged himself completely, let me emphasize completely, into his Commander persona. The Series has become real to him.

The actor, Adam Fedder, who plays Gronk, spoke up. “We all really like Justin and commiserate with his loss…but what does this mean for the Series. Can it continue? He was the dominant character. Will he be replaced?”

The Director explained, “That is exactly our challenge. He will remain in place as the Commander. However, it will be necessary for us all to acknowledge his perception of reality. We’re going to try working with a flexible script, with the Commander’s involvement being necessarily improvisational. A few episodes should tell us if this approach can work and the Show remain compelling to our audience.”

Nella Dean, the actor playing the psychologist Serene, speculated, “So, our extra job will be to nudge Justin, who genuinely believes he’s the Commander, to somehow perform within the script ballpark …oh, but it wouldn’t be a performance for him, would it.”

The Director nodded affirmatively. “Yep. Strange I grant you…but that’s the idea. There’s something else you’ll also need to accept. His infirmity must be kept a secret from the public.

Sympathy toward Justin won’t make the show successful. Given all of that…are all of you ready to give this a go?”

Everyone knew that the Network saw no alternative to trying this approach. The Chronicles Series was mind-bogglingly profitable, dependent upon Justin remaining in his role as leader. All studios will go to great lengths to satisfy the whims of their top talent. Just an annoying cost of doing business. For what it was worth, Justin was not just another vainglorious actor. He hadn’t been the least bit egotistical or difficult to work with.

And Justin. What was going on for him? In the last few moments of consciousness upon hearing the ghastly news about his family, a multitude of images flashed for him – Vivian as lover, mother, friend; Devon as the son he’d hoped for, to nurture and raise; his profession as an actor, or was it as a spaceship commander exploring the universe? As he sank to unconsciousness, the death of his loved ones remained vividly real. The pain only moderated by the sweet memories. Practically everything else about his life slipped away as non-existent, except his being the Commander of Outreach and bearing responsibility for the mission. That was also internalized as true.

The first few new Series’ episodes of the Chronicles came off better than expected. As Commander, Jason followed the lead of the rehearsed actors. and the partially scripted plots worked surprisingly well. The cast was getting the hang of steering the Commander around to fit the plot needs. For his part, Jason automatically would bend or disappear from mind those facts or people not fitting his perceptions. The TV crew either vanished for him or was converted by his imagination to have some part in the drama.

The publics’ response to the Commander’s role was shown by a surprising increase in ratings. Jason was applauded by the critics as “brilliant”, “inspired”, and “best actor”. No one could

guess that he wasn’t acting at all! The Director and the Network were exultant that they’d taken this risk.

In the fifth episode a crazed fan had found his way into the studio grounds and on to the set. Obviously, he was a member of the huge fan base for the program calling themselves “Outreachers.” The spaceship was also preparing to leave on its mock mission. The intruder entered the Control Room carrying a gun. It was in fact merely a replica of the crew’s pretend space guns. He demanded to remain on board for the launch.

Holding the gun to Serene’s head the fan declared: “I don’t want to hurt anyone but will shoot her if you try to eject me.”

The cameras continued to record this unexpected intrusion. Director Haven considered that this actual drama might be worked into the episode, so studio security wasn’t called. The actors stayed in place, amused by this stranger’s actions posing no real threat. No one knew what to do next except the Commander. He had stepped between the gunman and Serene, saying to him: “You’ll not hurt Serene or anyone else. Give me your weapon.”

The intruder did so without objection. “I surrender to your authority Commander. As a devoted Outreacher, I’d have given anything to be on your crew.” He was escorted off the set to await the police.

The private snickers of all present faded with the realization of the bravery demonstrated by Jason/the Commander. It hadn’t been a life-or-death situation, but he hadn’t known this.


With knowledge of that history, this day’s Outreach adventure to Planet UP75 is now resumed.

The Commander had settled back into his pod as others were doing. He inhaled the sleep-inducing fumes expecting that he and the crew would awaken upon reaching the alien planet. He experienced the usual anticipation when venturing into the unknown. In fact, though, he alone would be really anesthetized. This would allow sufficient time to change sets to match script locations.

Jason’s next awareness was exploring UP75 with Gronk by his side. Exotic plants were in abundance in this seemingly gentle environment. The dual suns shone brightly in the sky. What forms of life might exist here? They turned the corner of a rock formation and…egad…they were confronted by a monster. At least that’s what Justin saw. It began hurling missiles at them.

Director Haven cursed. “Oh shit, that’s a batting machine. It must have been left over from that baseball documentary on this stage.”

But to the Commander’s eye this was an aggressive life form attacking them with deadly large spherical objects. “Ouch, dammit. Those blows are painful!”.

Grock said to the Commander: “I believe this large menace is aiming only where you’re standing. It would be logical to step away from that target position.”

But his leader ignored the sound advice and chose to fight back mano y mano. Looking around he saw a bunch of arm length pieces of wood. (We’d recognize them as baseball bats.) Grabbing one he advanced toward this enemy trying to ward off the painful hits, come close and kill it. Unfortunately, one of the round missiles struck his temple knocking him out. Grock dragged the Commander safely aside and sought to revive him.

Justin in a semi-conscious state experienced a sudden flood of diverse images: an interview for his first acting job; being knocked cold in a high school football game; his honeymoon bed

bedecked with flowers as Vivian had romantically choreographed; the pride of being the Commander.

The unexpected violent event called for the Director to further alter the flexible script. The batting machine would be edited for TV to appear as a monster. The Commander was revived in a few minutes and the drama continued as scheduled.

The Commander awoke with a start recalling the battle, his eyes covered with a soothing wrap. Removing it, he saw a stunning and remarkable face smiling at him. A most beautiful woman to be sure…not entirely human, though somehow familiar. Her skin was smooth but deep green in color which harmonized with her waist length honey-colored hair. Two small horns protruded from her head.

“Relax Commander, I am Amorda, Sovereign of our planet Raylon. Have no fear. A mind scan was performed to know your language and peaceful intentions. You and your crew are welcome here for having slayed Montor, a beast which had been plaguing us for years.”


The following episode of Chronicles found the Commander and Amorda with their staffs, including her second in command Manzel, in a joint meeting. It was discussed how their civilizations might productively cooperate in the future. In the evening the two leaders met privately to celebrate their progress. They enjoyed delicious food and drink unfamiliar to the Commander, now “Justin” to her. They talked about their respective homelands – so different and yet with some surprising similarities. Justin remarked: “It seems that our Earth people are not the only ones demonstrating greed, selfishness and a hunger for power.”

The discussion became personal.

“Amorda, might I ask about the social arrangements between people in your kingdom?”

“Sure. Everyone enjoys the utmost degree of freedom and respect. There is no discrimination. Families receive the highest priority. Every type of relationship is honored.”

“May I ask if you have a family or perhaps what our people might call “a significant other”?

“No Justin. I’ve been too busy for that. As for you, I have had the advantage of probing your mind and personal history. You were paired in what you earth dwellers call a “marriage’ for many years… until your wife and son were killed in a tragic accident. Since then, as a spaceship commander, you’ve spent very little time with other female companions, be they human or humanoid. Your devotion has been to the mission.”

“Yes, that’s exactly right. So, I suppose no secrets could be withheld from you.”

She chuckled knowingly: “Correct. Right now, you’re feeling sexual impulses toward me. Trying to decide how or even whether to act upon these.”

Flummoxed by mixed feelings of arousal and curiosity, Justin could only blurt: “I’m embarrassed.”

“Our people don’t have that emotion. We are outspoken. I express frankly my strong attraction to you too. Come to my chamber. We shall see if there’s a match.”

Oh, my yes there was. As TV viewers could surmise from the sounds emitted from the chamber. The couple clearly had discovered exceptional compatibility, both as to…ahem… key functioning parts and the heat of their passion. These intimate sessions were shown as repeated in the following several days by flash forward scenes in that same episode. To his surprise and delight she had covered her bed with the most beautiful of Raylon flowers. “I could read your mind…remember?”

Laying by her side after another of the wonderous exertions, Justin gazed upon Amorda’s delicately horned face and sleek green body: “I’ve travelled the universe to arrive at this particular place – to find a new partner who completes me.

He thought to himself “Oh, my dearest Vivian, you cannot be replaced. This is a quite different attachment with a far different person…uhhh…female.”

Amorda, I can’t assume that you have the same feelings. Besides, my ship must leave tomorrow as scheduled, so this would be the beginning and end for us anyway.”

“No.” She answered assertively. “I want and will have you. Our bonding has unintended consequences for you. In our culture when two people have a sexual consummation coupled with declarations of love, they become obliged to remain physically together for no less than one year. I have directed the removal of an essential engine part from your vessel. This ensures that it cannot depart until that time expires. Your crew will also remain as our guests.”

Stunned upon hearing this, Justin stammered in confusion, “You are holding us hostage as a test of devotion? But my quest must continue…I have responsibilities. How can this be explained to the Authority?”

Amorda smiled smugly. “I suppose you can’t tell them it’s the price of love. You’re resourceful and will think of something convincing. For this moment, please give me one of your earth tongue kisses and I’ll reciprocate with a special “femalien” maneuver.

The Director felt that the Series writer’s idea for this love match was inspired. He’d obviously been influenced by reading of the Odyssey wherein Circe the sorceress intervened in Odysseus’s journey home to hold him as a love prisoner and his crew as hostages. It seemed a good bet that program fans, particularly females, would enjoy this romantic diversion from


e part of Amorda. She seemed perfect for the role.



The scene ended, but not for Justin. He continued to badger crew members/actors remaining on the set about his new love on the Planet Raylon . They pretended to care and be encouraging, but discreetly mocked him. He was such a fool. Jenna Haynes, as Amorda, was already in the dressing room removing the bothersome makeup.

This presented a new challenge for Director Haven though. The infatuation with the alien…uhhh…humanoid, was completely real to Justin, which makes it exceptionally compelling to viewers. Might this best be sustained by blending the relationship into his off-the-set blurred life?

The reader surely must wonder how Justin can continue believing that the series is real when the episodes end, and real life must ensue. Well, since the onset of his delusion after the tragedy the Studio had provided him luxury residence at a secluded ranch. Several employees cognizant of his delusions were also maintained there. After all, the contrivances to simulate a true life for Justin didn’t have to be perfect. He had a compelling need that they be real.

The Director privately explained all this to Jenna Haines. “The unique power of the show is that the adventures are genuine in Justin’s mind. The audience senses this complete honesty not knowing that Justin is mentally unstable in this respect. If this illusion is shattered, the show would surely lack its magic. And we don’t know what adverse effect it might have upon Justin.”

Jenna responded: “That’s really weird, but I get it. What does that have to do with me? I’m just another actor in the show.”

The Director cautiously proceeded. “The best thing for our series at this time would be for his romance with Amorda to continue after filming. She wouldn’t have to be there 100% of that time, but frequently and with intimacy as he perceives it.

Jenna was offended. “There are things I won’t do. If you’re suggesting…”

“Wait, I know what you’re going to say, but hear me out. You’ve gotten to know Justin a little bit on the set. He’s a decent guy who happens to be stuck in his imagination. What he confided to you as Amorda about the loss of his wife and child was exactly true. I’m not suggesting that you truly engage in sex. Just spend some time and humor him for the weeks that this story line continues. You’d be doing him a kindness as well. Don’t feel pressured please. It’s entirely your choice. Of course, you’d be paid amply for your time spent in this off-stage role.”

“Hmm. When you put it like that, maybe I could do it. Broke up with my boyfriend recently and my social life is on hold, so what the heck.”

“Jenna, I’m so grateful that you’re taking on this assignment. There would be one more inconvenience you’d need to suffer…Remaining in full costume to sustain the illusion…all greened with horns.”


In the next episode of The Outreach Chronicles, Justin is approached by Amorda’s second in command, the ominous dark Manzel.

“How has your stay been with us Commander?” Justin had taken an immediate dislike to this guy. He seemed an imposing arrogant show-off with his multiple necklaces and bracelets.

“Well, no complaints other than being held up from our universal mission. “

Manzel zeroed in: “Our dear Amorda, I have the greatest respect and admiration for her. However, there is an exception to the one-year rule. If anyone so bound, she included, should engage intimately with someone else during that time, the deceived party would be freed from the captivity.”

“That’s not relevant to me. Amorda would never do that?”

“I tell you this in confidence and a desire to be your friend. Her indiscretion is known to me because I was that lover. We are a hot-blooded people.”

“If that is true, why would you tell me?”

“I would seek to be Sovereign in her place. She has been an adequate leader. Now though, in new alliance with the Authority, it would be the time for a man to be elected as our peoples’ Sovereign. I believe that is the prevailing belief in your home country as well. I would seek your backing for this which would shift the vote in my favor.”

Controlling his anger, the Commander responded carefully: “I’ll take it ‘under advisement’, as we say back on Earth.”

He later confronted Amorda. “Is it true that there is an exception to the one-year rule that holds me here?”

“Yes, there is if one person is disloyal to the other. Have you done this? After all, there are many attractive females here available to you.”

“No, that wouldn’t happen, but how about you? Forgive my bluntness but have you had Manzel as a lover?”

After a hesitation, she answered: “Yes, I have. It is common for our people to have many casual sexual experiences until they commence a permanent arrangement. I would cut my throat before breaching that promise to you. Besides that, my love for you is strong and lasting. What caused you to question this?”

He related his conversation with Manzel. “How could I have doubted you. Forgive me.”

Manzel entered the scene and he instantly sized up what had happened. “Amorda, I urge you not to believe any lies from this stranger. We are of the same place.”

Justin faced up to the much larger Manzel. “I know your kind. A troublemaker. You besmirched Amorda. Perhaps she will not dole out any punishment for your deceit, but I will.” With that he took a wild haymaker swing at Manzel who effortlessly avoided it and caught Justin with a powerful blow to the chin. Justin dropped to the ground. Amorda, stunned by what had happened, kneeled by his side.

“Oh, my poor dear Earthling.”

Confused thoughts surged in Jason’s subconscious: Was he hero or foil? Faces of Vivian and Amorda somehow melded; he felt an emptiness in his life.



“Jeez, I’m sorry”, said the actor playing Manzel to the Director. “It was instinctive. Sure didn’t want to hurt Justin.”

“That’s O.K.”, responded Miles. “That’s good TV. Just a hazard of integrating Justin’s off-kilter perceptions with our make-believe drama.” He suddenly realized that Justin had become a kind

of Don Quixote: A foolish man misguided in his perceptions of noble causes and the love of an idealized woman.

Crew members had a range of responses to the one punch fight. “How dumb can a guy be.” “He acted gallantly for his love.” “How strange a life he lives.”


Four episodes already of The Outreach Chronicles had prominently featured the love affair of Amorda and the Commander on the planet Raylon. However, surveys showed that this lusty and romantic plot device had run the course of maximum interest to viewers. Time to move on.

During this period Jenna Haines had, as requested, been a frequent real companion with Justin. She would come and go from the ranch – with excuses for her absences readily believed. They maintained complete privacy except for occasional contact with actors and employees informed of the circumstances. Jason apologized to her:

“Sorry we can’t leave the ranch when here together on Earth. I know that the public would give unwanted attention to your …umm…so different appearance.”

“Jason, don’t worry. I’m perfectly content to spend the time with you alone.”

He felt happy in her company for the first time since his family’s tragedy. Surprisingly, Jenna found herself enjoying her assignment as well…except for the need to so frequently assume the alien disguise. She really liked Justin. His delusions were strictly limited, and she found him otherwise to be a charming and thoughtful companion.

However, the disruption in Justin’s life was inevitable. He was never provided with scripts so couldn’t know what was coming. In the next to last episode of the series, change was underway.


“The year of your relationship commitment to me has ended.” Announced Amorda, though Justin was all too aware of this. “You’ll now be returning to the peace mission for the Authority.”

“You could travel with me. My ship can accommodate us both.

“No, my love. My place is here leading the nation. You would have to return to Raylon to be with me, if it becomes possible.”

“I suppose that’s the way it will have to be. But we’ll stay in constant tele-contact just the same. I’ll not say goodbye so long as we both live.”



The very last episode of the Chronicles season had Outreach leaving Raylon to investigate some other remote planets on its mission. A split tele-screen for viewers showed Amorda seated in her chamber. The other panel had Justin at the desk in his quarters. They looked at each other on the screens with quiet affection.

Justin saw Manzel entering Amorta’s chamber without invitation to confront her. “I don’t have our public on my side, it’s true. But I do have the loyalty of enough disgruntled armed men to demand a takeover. Were the Commander present here, you might have been protected, but he is far, far gone. Concede to me now and you’ll suffer no harm.”

“Never. Leave my chamber.” And he did.

“Is he a real threat to you?”, enquired Justin.

“No. He’s mostly bluff and bluster. Manzel has resigned from his post to try and attract more supporters. He is not highly regarded but is relentless in his ambition.”

“Amorda, my love. Being away from you for these months has been almost unbearable.

Changing the painful subject, she asked: “How about your new explorations. Anything novel and exciting to report?”

“I’ll save the stories for when I see you in person. And that’s the wonderful news. I have arranged for a return of Outreach to Raylon three weeks from now. I’ve convinced the Authority that my follow-up visit there could result in your planet becoming a signatory on the World Unification Compact.”

“Of course, we will gladly do that anyway.”

“Shhh. Don’t take away my excuse for seeing you.”

They laughed together, despite appearing in their separate tele-contact screens. They didn’t notice a figure easing in to Amorda’s frame. Justin caught a glance of a braceleted hand holding a knife, which was instantly plunged into Amorda’s neck. Blood spurted. That side of the screen went blank. Justin collapsed as though shot.



That was splendid TV fiction. But Justin’s simultaneous collapse on the set was a disaster. He was rushed to the hospital and there diagnosed to be in a coma state for an unknown duration. At rare times he would mumble unintelligibly.

“Where’m I? Who’m I? What’s my life?

He was visited by the Director and some cast members, but no one as devotedly as Jenna Haines. The Director had to determine whether Justin would be available for the next season…or ever again. It was hoped that some recognition of pleasant times past might help the recovery. Jenna needed no urging to try this. So, she started coming to his bedside stroking his head and holding his hand… in full Amorda costume.

One day Justin looked up and seeing her, with a startled expression uttered: “Amorda, how could you have come back? It can’t be.”, he sobbed, then became silent again. His brain and emotions were active though he remained motionless with eyes closed. He thought:

“I lost Vivian and…though the circumstances are fuzzy, I afterwards lost a newfound love. But that was on Outreach’s visit to another planet. I’d was the Commander, but… Oh my God… I‘m so confused. Could that have not been real? No Planet Raylon? No spaceship Outreach? Amorda just imagined? Am I crazy?” Having said that, Justin fell silent and slept.

For several visits thereafter Jenna did not assume the Amorda identity. Then one day with Jenna at his bedside, Justin suddenly became fully conscious, sniffing the aroma of flowers Jenna had sprinkled upon his bed. He smiled at this pleasing but dimly recalled gesture and spoke coherently:

“I’m trying to get my head straight. Among these tangled recollections is a memory of someone named “Amorda”. Do you know who that might have been?”

“Yes”, she responded. “That was a character at the end of the Chronicles last season who your Commander was shown to love. She was viciously killed in the last episode. At that exact moment you suffered shock and became lost in a coma. I guessed this was a painful reminder of the earlier tragic losses in your life.”

Jason looked intently at Jenna. “My mind is clear at last. I know now of my retreat into a delusional world, becoming the Commandeer character played as an actor for so long. I suppose this served as a way of escape from grief. That’s over. It’s time for me to fully live again.

“Welcome back to the real-world Jason. I think you’ll like it just fine.”

I seem to remember you though from my jumbled past. Forgive my faulty memory but who are you exactly?”

“Someone who cares greatly for you. I’m Jenna. The woman of your dreams, one might well say. Do you remember our ever being together?

“In a hazy sort of way yes. Sweet thoughts. For that matter, I recall acting in many past episodes of the Chronicles, but kind of like I was sleepwalking through them.”

“When you’re fully recovered, will you be ready to start the new season of the Series?”

“Why sure. It’s a great part for an actor. Everyone likes space fantasies. Please forgive the foolishness of a recovering patient with a bad memory, but I feel we have a strong connection. Could we see each other after I’m out of here? We might have something special.”

“Oh Justin, do we ever!”