
Phil Wexler
babies born.
houses for sale.
birthday parties. just
married. red balloons announce.
yellow balloons rejoice. light as air.
lighter than air. loose balloons stream
in the sky, rub high ceilings. green balloons
tethered to picnic tables, chairs, trees, posts,
hitched to the honking limousine. people notice
balloons, honk back, shout. blue balloons inspire.
a lone balloon. a cluster. blowing them up, knotting them.
popping in your face, burst balloons. deflated remnants.
little black water balloons. the travel guide meeting you
at the gate. the gas station on opening day. lemonade
stands, farm stands. the bandstand, ballooned,
festooned in orange in an open meadow.
the hot air balloon spotting it. parades,
floats. white balloons, grasping
them tightly. teary eyes
when a string slips
away. exuberance
at letting
                    as long