Cook Hall

In my short time at Illinois State University, I have realized how much of of the architecture or landscapes make up the town.  Normal is a relatively small town compared to Chicago or any major city.  The only thing that is really trully memorable about Normal is the university.
            The picture that I particulary like the best is the castle {Cook Hall}.  ISU has been around since 1857.  The school is very old, so how does it look so new?  Many of the buildings resemble castles and evoke people of wealth.  They have been preserved over the years to give the city a feel of history.  In the castle picture, it is clear how ISU hopes to portray itself to the rest of the world.  The Castle makes ISU stand out in relation to the rest of the schools in Illinois. 
            The Caste looks like an old artifact building that is used as a mueseum to show off a royal family.   There is a light in front of the castle that makes it look that much more magical.  How can ISU look that magical when its simply just a state school? Well, in 1857, there were definetly still large castles around.  Back in the day, not everyone could afford to go to school; women weren’t even allowed to attend most schools.  So keeping some of the buildings at ISU as castles symbolizes that this school is for people who want to gain wealth through learning.  It is not all about money anymore.
            In the photo, the light reflects against some of the windows giving the picture a medival look.  It represents how you have to fight for your wealth and knowledge.  Not everyone has the luxury of just being able to know things without paying attention.  The magestic touch of the castle shows us that Normal preserves its history and makes it clear that the school represents wealth to their city.  Without it, Normal would just be like any other small town. -Sammy Nagy