The First Epistle of Preaders in its 21st year – A Reader’s Predigest 

Keagen Davidson (Bio)


—introduce yourself, the cosmos as we know it

2018. Fully developed, or hardly so. Fruit is t heirs but it’s not quite ripe. Naïve, but so full of energy. Ready to fly off the rails or change for the better. In 2018 the world is 21 years old to me. Someone died and left us King.
Multiverse. Marvel. Far off universe little boys just want to run away.
It’s you, me, and Buzz Lightyear on a mission from outer space.
Billions invested in distant fairy tales, made real to the wave r ing mind. This warning is to the mundane man in Normal.


—bedside angels resting with me

Earth, wind, fire, and water, the alchemist rises from a trance or a long sleepwa l king dream. 40 days have passed in this dessert that feels e terra nal. Now she inhabits the body of a young man torn apart and finding their way back together. The lab burst into flames. Radi at ion is a sneaky killer that slips through walls to consume pink matter. Fueled by: as best/benz os, meth, or my cranberr y reduction.
The bomb was def u sed deep in spacetime. Additional two cents, requires the jukebox and start a timer to find her sauntering back to pass the torch and wave a scythe. Saute sauce is burning, hiding hard benathe the sir face.


Remember when the sky was a promise?
Now it’s 71% Nitrogen and too much god damn carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide.
One of the two.
Di means two.
Mono is one, as in one God.
Momma taught me Latin as a kid to save me from sin.
Now I run to get away from the burning hell,
whichever one my mind creates.
May I stop and look at the clouds?
Prisms break across nimbus void. The promise remains.

How many times have you questioned your own sanity? Query in quit quite quiet. Inquiry Results: 1   _   too many. How many times have your muse’s monologue turned into schizophrenic screams? Add another to the queue. When do lines blur and where? Binge watch, bending back / forth .   How is irrelevant, irreverent? Sacrilege, that was the last time you turned the wrong way thinking God can be had from behind. Tune in next Sunday morning to find out.


Black skies and a black dog with white stripes
Stretch and morph, bend. Black body becomes white spots.
White body become black spots.
My head races off to the sky, or is it the earth.
I’m here to save humanity or burn in the antithesis of it…
Are my actions for good or bad?
Is good for bad? Is bad for good?
All I know, I’m here.
For now, Forever, and Never.

You must give up something in exchange for everything.
You must fear nothing to love anything.



What makes a precious individual?            Dance with the rays of sun.      Come this way mystery note. You must have something for me to know. Is it a love letter from a non-existent partner?     We just broke up, things have been rough.    I can’t be bothered to move towards you right now, so I suppose that information must pass.

I put myself up, on this knoll or hill. It, call whatever you will, bring me the burning sun. I like the melanin hangovers. Paired well with increased serotonin, but I get one and not the other. Don’t put me outdoors because sometimes I get angry. Condition me to the air of my delicately fabricated reality.


Two men walked into a bar,
Boink, ran into the flickering street light
With poor intentions.

O look! Doggo is on a leash
Can I pet him for a dollar?
Pollute the single stream and buy a bottle for a bottle.
Doggy doo man’s best friend
Scooby mimics his master,
And pot makes you stupid. Zoinks

Jinkies, blue ribbon Shiatzu
Breed me so I can’t see
Shaggy, hair makes me blind.

I won’t lose my soul. The seam starts to rip but tear me in two before I miss you.

A+B=1. The integer doesn’t exist.
A equals everything.
B equals nothing.
0-9. They penned ten symbols in Arabia.
In Scandinavia they scratched more on the wall.
It’s a bird, it’s a plane…
It’s a wild antelope and stick figure man.
They’re the closest of kin, blood brothers in the end.
Great American melting pot
Try great omniverse melting pot.
Add a dash of salt and some kryptonite.

          Muhammed penned a New York Times Best Seller, and Jesus, he never touched a sword. Spilled in blood the name of divine. Wring out your knuckles set the ruler strait. “Frateribus et Sororibus via Eucharist.” these are cat sr cat ched in the first-born sacr amen t. Bl oo d brothers would rather take y our slap on the wrist than die.
        Joblessness brings the spirit of a prophet; someone thinks they know it all while the world doesn’t even care. After a thousand year war heads begin to turn, or roll. Monastic / Fellowship brings delayed self righteousness. Minors walk down a bottle of rum, side step through the pews. Prophet prey blood runs down the spine, hands,

Shoulders, Knees and Toes. Knees and Toes.


Tails. Luck doesn’t know a thing but calculates their name in stone, Count Reux CLII. Dragons breath fire. Pipes, bongs, and Cobain’s fog machine rock show tour fill the lair with dizzying smoke or a haze. Have you been, to many beanstalks? Sp ears and tabs, Eyes are on you and keep them open. The flat earth is round. Swallow a fistful to make me head spin circles. Open hands stretch out over walking water. Humanity is whatever it is now and not at all what it is in ten years,   but only in ten years.  What’s your 5-year plan?   I want validation and at least one pricey piece of card stock. Why shouldn’t I take off my shirt? Monks bask in the shadow of delusion, I prefer fuel from rays of sun. Take me from A to B. Fossil fuel fills my bones. I can’t look up because of it, but I’m pretty sure that’s the flag flapping in my ear, up above.        Salut!   Rogue, Blanc, et Bleu.

Trouble on the Quad!
Oh hi o, Norma Akin,
Finally finals, the year ends mid-May in Normal, Illinois. Watch N BA 4.0 GPA and game. The real test comes later. LeBron James passed from St. V – St. Mary to his rightful throne, at least that’s what a student believes. Exam in the mirror, answers amid the window pains.
Ahh hide in the shade, it’s cool, it’s dark, ill estate, *cough*
        “It’s the perfect place to lay down and die!” All her whining friends shake heads ,prancing in agreement. Stressed about nothing, and our feeding star stuns with delayed anxiety. Lay your head down on a cast rock and it will melt away. Green blades are acupuncture needles. Anxiety is a force like fire, increasing with space and time, so let it down carefully or someone must clean up the mess.
         “I’ve been sick since October.”
Gnarly! I’ve been sick since I left my mother’s home. Symptoms stimulate my senses so I’ve found a few super powers.

The angel Gabriel fell from heaven. A snake slithers at your feet. His talons climb up our blouse. Don’t close your eyes, give in to the sleeper’s hold. All Angels are demons, I mean, all demons are angels, but not all angels are demons.
Sorry about my dog,” Its socially engineered clumsiness fucked up your nap. but please, enjoy your REM!” I woke up falling from the tree. The park, a spattering of bumps on a log, she’s decomposing fungus under the tree, what followed where shooting stars and forbidden fruits over wise guys heads.


—The End of Greater Grundy County
Pools fill from invisible source. It felt like just last night, when the place I love slowly went under. Content in the comfort of shelter, me and my so-called friends, as it all came to an end. Remember, neither a word said or body present.


Turn to hear the command of god.

Something else drew me from the refuge.
Once the dearest soul to me, she emerged from the trees.
Oceans filled the footprints behind.
Come inside! A foolish task.
I went to her in haste. That exuberance makes me to stay.
The sky is falling. It felt amazing. I have never been so alive.
Eden worships God’s creation.
Chaos theory is not the one.
We looked up at gleaming bullets.

Now we’re standing on the trunks that I’ve split.
A lonely cabin and piss poor idea of deity.
Mom is out buying bulk meats and cleaning sprays.
Dad is at the hardware store; he has to patch a leak.
Water rolls underneath.
Falls in the front door.
All they have lived for, vanishing.
Victims of deadly law, washed away when home splinters.
I wish I could warn them.

But reminisce the dunes.
Tangerine over a pulsing body. Crash on the shore.
I wanted to shout,
to grasp her by the shoulder,
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!                      I do.
Silenced by the sun.
The chem trails feather out beautifully.

Eden pulls her head into my arms while currents rise to drown our wet socks. Hold on to me, just a few moments are eternal. We whisper in opposite ear, “Sure, as this is the last we meet, I will remember you, always.”
Pulled away by the current, she carried with, bright eyes and the marble sky. Melt into the horizon, vibrant canopies of holy wrath, a roaring tsunami. The year ends another dream.

Trouble on the Quad!
Wake up every time I touch the ground. The boy has a broken neck. What did I tell you about climbing trees? Porcupine needles lodge in spine. The physical appears to be positive, an enforcer of true self, momentarily the metaphysical manifests, heavy, dense and pulling at the core.
Paul wrote a response to Corinth. It says your body is a temple, but is that thing we call the mind just a fall in the garden? A believer lies to look up and they shine.
A body without a mind is an entirely different animal. Humans think we’re something special. Grass moves to the sky like she’s something special. Man slips the money too her like she’s something special.

Run to the bathroom, and fix my own vanity.
Am I still here? Look deep in the mirror.

       Eye-witness coroners suggest the cause of death was absence of soul, but snapping bones echo through the Amazon. Chop down trees just to prove our ground. Whistle while you work away. Whittle at the world. It wags a hand back. Take it all for a card stock piece of validation and student loans. 99,999 invisible bills kept secret in earthen vaults. Sleepwalking chimps can stand in cap and gown. The ship has a surprise leak. Which way do we go?!
Another hint of the flag appears in a shadow on the nearby fern. This weather makes that boy juggle; this weather makes me write and feel. There’s something else going on but let’s talk about the weather. All your dogs fly away to heaven but they don’t have wings, let alone souls that we can see.