Letter from the Editor

The spring 2019 semester has blown by in a whirlwind of assignments, meetings, and deadlines. Euphemism, however, has given me the chance to slow down, read, and process. It is amazing to go through so many creative pieces and that are created by talented local artists. For Euphemism 14.2, I believe that we have a varied selection of both heavy and light pieces that that our readers will find inspiring.

This issue wouldn’t be possible without all of the hard work of the Euphemism staff members who took the time out of their own busy schedules to review and help create this semester’s issue. I would also like to give a special thanks to Megan Donnan, our Publication Editor, for taking designing our new issue site. There are so many responsibilities that college students have, and we hope you agree this is our best yet. 

I never thought that I had a chance of becoming Editor-in-Chief of Euphemism, but I am so thankful that our members saw something in me. In the same way, I would like to thank all of those who submitted their work and put themselves out there. It can be stressful and intimidating, yet exciting all the same time. Without being vulnerable, there is no room for growth or success, and you can’t get published until you are willing to allow people the chance to read your work.

Thank you to all the readers, and I hope you enjoy the Spring 2019 Euphemism issue.

-Suzy Miller