O! Goodbye, Embry

by Brandie Lorenzen

Do me a favor and 

Close your eyes. 

Now open your eyes. 

What you see is not 

Life, but not death either. 

What you see is 

Like being submerged in dark water; 

Whilst being tossed and 

Turned in that water, 

You’re unaware, 

You aren’t sure if 

You are drowning or 

Perhaps falling. 


In this colorless, 

Darkened world, 

Where you float in 

Nonexistent form, 

There is a small 

Spark of light in the distance; 

Your lifeless form floats forward, 

Unable to escape from this sentence. 

Thought does not exist in the 

Mind of an embryo. 

Don’t leave, 

No, you are much than just a thing. 

You are a peapod, 

The literal shape of 

A microorganism. 

So small, I am unsure of 

Why I tear up at the thought 

Of losing you. 

You don’t know the outside world, 

And it’s me who doesn’t want you here, 

And I refuse to let him know you need to leave. 

Alas, I know if I hold for too long, 

You may slip away, 

And I may stand and be filled with more 

Guilt and anguish than I can handle. 

And put to death is my new fate in this world. 

The world is ruled by men who don’t 

Know my only will is to keep you safe 

From those who for certain do not want you. 

They don’t know the chemistry, 

The passion, nor do they know the weight 

That is carried in the heart of a woman 

Who bears a child through the worst of conditions; 

O! Goodbye, Embry, 

You need to know, 

I love you, and 

I tried to protect all what was left 

Of my womanhood and your 

Unreasonable childhood. 

O! Goodbye, Embry.