After the Storm

by Richard Luftig

First, a blue wash 
of sky, then clouds 
in the humid dark, 
so low they seem 

to touch the ground. 
This ground of her 
he can barely recall 
as if he had fallen 

asleep one person 
only to wake up another. 
He remembers how 
they would stand there 

almost touching in winter 
wind, close, so close 
as if the frozen earth 
beneath their feet 

could not be trusted. 
And now, all that he has 
left is her words that 
he keeps like souvenirs 

safe and untouched 
under glass. He wishes  
he had just one more  
memory of her before  

he gives in to his resolve 
to forget.  How over  
and again he remembers  
what she told him  

right before he blinked 
and she was gone: 
Can love be called a miracle 
even if it arrives too late?