by Brandie Lorenzen
Help, I’m falling hard,
Will you be prepared to catch me?
I’ve blinked one too many times,
But I can’t seem to scratch the vision
From my sight.
I’m falling hard, for you.
I swear, I fall easily,
I cannot fathom the idea
Of why my heart falls easily.
Help, I’m falling hard,
I cannot bear the thought
Of losing you.
I’ve searched the world,
Far too many are distraught,
Are fools at their own game,
And try too hard.
Perhaps this is all a dream,
Perhaps I am falling.
So, will you be there to catch me?
This is no bandwagon,
I am not just falling to fall,
To fall in love with love,
But to fall in love with you.
I am falling,
Please be there to catch me.