by Ricky King
Hate emotional realities.
Wishing I could turn off the ability to care;
I would like to put on headphones, drown out surroundings.
Make it easier, normal daily life.
To simply not think about horrors, atrocities of this world
Would help me not feel guilty that I have it easy.
Well, not easy. Better than someone who has to
Freeze their ass off on the wintry Chicago pavement
On the corner of State and Randolph
Because an entire fucking world forgot about them.
I wish the world would forget about me.
If I could have the slightest impact to help those in need,
The smallest influence to prevent the planet from decaying,
If I could fly across the world to war-torn nations,
Learn a language I can’t currently speak to
Apologize about the world that doesn’t give a fuck about them,
To say that I genuinely care and would do anything to
Turn the clocks of history back centuries
And try to change things for the better…
I would do so in a fraction of a heartbeat.
The fraction of my own heart’s pulse.
I wish my heart would stop beating so that someone else’s could.