by Brandie Lorenzen
Could this be it?
Could this be the last time I see
Your smiling face,
The glimmer in your eyes.
Could this be the last time we fall in love,
Because I can’t live without you, so it seems.
Fate was never our desire, only love.
Could this be it?
A one-time gone wrong,
A hope lost in the dark of our
Beloved thoughts.
Could this be the last time I see you?
Could this be it?
I’m dancing to the tempo of our hearts beating.
Could this be the last time I say I love you?
Could this be the last time I say goodbye,
Instead of a see you later?
Fate is our recluse,
After tonight,
We will have no recollection of
Our love,
It will be a distant memory,
Or more like a dream.
Could this be it?
Me, spilling my feelings out
Onto one page?
Could this be my destiny?
I want to shout obscenities at fate,
But there is no use,
This is the ultimatum.
Could this be it?
Our love story,
Like Romeo and Juliet,
But more like Othello and Desdemona.
Could this be it?
The light fading to dark,
Our views on each other
Shattering like glass from a mirror.
Our roses are dead,
There was never tension,
Only organic mentions
Of life. Love. Being free.
Could this be it?
Love does not triumph,
The heart does not grow fonder from distance.
Could this be it?
Our last time,
Before fate opens that door
And ushers me out into
The cold world without shelter
Or a place to call home.
Could this be it?