Three Strikes

by Amanda Layne

she was young once 
a wild goose chase in the flesh 
a daring damsel in constant unrest 
trying and always doing her best 
but now she was dying, failing the test 
emotions aside, remain repressed  
and hidden behind 

peaches & cream 
cherry-kissed lips  
blueberry eyes 
a cinnamon twist 
peppery nose, vanilla teeth 
yellow, bleached locks 
with brown underneath 
sit back and relax 
they’re drinking again 
kick up your feet 
it’s about to begin 
open the door 
greeting mat in a shamble 
goodbyes are hellos 
avoid neighborhood scandals 
no one can know 
how hard you try 
golden-girl smiles 
honey-stuck flies 
the camera is flashing 
it’s time, strike a pose 
today’s the big game 
they just mustn’t lose 
checkered apron is tied 
the home team is behind 
salty lashes up to bat 
slams one to the sky 
down fall the stitches 
hanging on by a thread 
an old, coded message 
back from the dead 

just take the chance 
go ahead, teach the lesson 
and while their heads are all turned 
the runner steals second