Andrea Barbosa
Why is it that… Most families on TV are supposed to look like me?
And why is it that… Most African Americans are supposed to look like criminals?
Why is it that… My heritage is seen as “aliens” trying to steal American jobs when Chad over there can’t even put the beer down long enough to get to his own?
Why is it that…Muslims are seen as a security threat?
And why is it that… Asian Americans all “look the same” when Greek life is their own brand of blonde hair sponsored by Shein?
We all look at each other as if we are different, like night and day, when we are all biologically the same.
You have blue eyes yet I have brown. Does that make me a threat?
You have blonde hair yet I have brown. Does that make me an alien?
If the difference in eye color and hair color doesn’t matter then someone tell me the differences with skin?
You have pale skin, you love to read, play basketball, and listen to music.
Tommy over there has darker skin.
He loves to read, play basketball, and listen to music.
So what is the difference between you two?
Well, you both are very different.
But different in your own unique ways.
Skin color should not be a part of the equation.
Why are we still fighting for human rights when you are human and I am human?
Why are we still fighting for human rights when the real aliens are up there, and not down here?
Did you know we all came from Africa?
Well, then why is my skin lighter than yours?
Because my ancestors chose to move somewhere with fewer UV rays, while yours chose to stay.
So it is our ancestors’ fault?
It is no one’s fault.
There is no problem with your skin being dark like the shadows that are cast from the mysterious moonlight.
And there is no problem with my skin being as light as the first snowflake of winter.
We are all biologically the same.
So why is it that… Most families on TV look like me?