On Visiting Park Street Cemetery

Somoshree Palit


The waning moon on the restless sky

Smelt of fumes as fragrant glass,

Among the leaves the ravens cry –

Should I stop, or gently pass?


Like altars in pagan halls of Greece

Stands silent graves, they wait, atone.

In a grave of darkness, broken dreams,

Embers of ignited flesh and bone.


“Here rests in peace a valiant lad

Who feared not death, but God.”

And beneath the ground lay all he had

Gathered in a foreign field abroad.


Busts of Caesars, gods and men

In silence sing their notes.

None would know if, how and when

Maggots tore through their throat.


In the winter moon’s waning light

A barren tree atones.

The pale lips of smoky night

Kisses a ground interred with bones.


The ghostly angels, a waning night

Stand waiting like some fallen suns;

Here violets musks like humans fight

On grounds of bullets, sinews and guns.

Here the rose bestrewn like corpses smell,

Like fires that level lands to dust.

Imploring love, sweet love that fell

Like incense ashes on a dead god’s bust.


Ancient hands, ancient lands,

Ancient voices’ predatory note,

Ancient souls their rest demand

With ancient hands at my throat.


Far off in a kitchen a mother feeds

A child that waits for the world to be known.

Like a ghastly yawn the sea recedes :

The roads of slaughter lead to the throne.