Valuable Asset

Lake Mattson


I took it all in amazed at the efficiency and care by which she ripped you apart fully deserved – you had hurt all of us in some way  

A woman knew who she was so you shifted in your seat watching for signs of weakness 
Tell us that you changed so I can tell the people I actually like why I’m still afraid of you 
I’ve felt you before, it wasn’t your body but I’ve felt you, leaving a stain on others because you couldn’t be bothered to take a fucking bath 
All the more painful knowing it couldn’t be your fault, cause and effect cause and effect brought us here many times, wondering what I could have done 
So quick to blame myself and yet impossible to blame others 
Selfish really, I’m no different  
and yet I have to live with me the longest how can I not grow tired, 
I see the faults that escape others, I feel the changes 
I see me in you 
I’ve been you enough times to know you’re wrong