Letter from the Editor

It is a beautiful freedom to be able to express yourself.

This past summer, I read Group: How One Therapist and a Circle of Strangers Changed My Life by Christie Tate. I dove into a nonfiction adventure of a woman who thought she knew herself but truly did not understand the roots that grounded every part of who she was. It was only until she began reflecting on her past, her present, and her future in conversation with others in group therapy where she could finally surface an understanding for the motives of so many of her actions and drives.

It was also within those conversations with other people and their experiences where revival blossomed. Christie realized her circumstances weren’t all that unrelatable.

But what it took was for her, as well as her groupmates, to take a chance and express themselves.

“I released a secret, not caring who in my family might abandon me, because I finally understood that keeping the secret was an act of abandoning myself.” – Christie Tate, Group: How One Therapist and a Circle of Strangers Changed My Life

What you will notice, as you continue to read through this issue of Euphemism, is vulnerable expression from our authors, who we carefully chose to be part of issue 19.2. Our featured authors have created a wide variety of art, some using words, and others images, to depict a creative picture within your mind, but even within the diversity of such works, there exists an overarching element of vulnerability and transparency.

They want to be real with you, and they expect you to be the same, and in so doing, connecting you to a narrative that speaks revival into your soul.

There is something our authors want you to understand and take with you as you move on to your next adventure. Our authors have taken the chance to share a story that they hope will leave you feeling connected to, seeing yourself, another person, or a circumstance in a hopeful light.

Go ahead, see what you can find in this issue. I hope it’s a new connection.

Kati Fuchs
