is it better to speak or to die

Amari Liebe

What do I gain from speaking up
For being accused of being too sensitive
Too defensive
‘This is just the way the world works’
They say
And I can’t change it
Am I not allowed to advocate
For my people
Or anyone else’s
My words fall upon deaf ears
‘I don’t care I don’t care I dont care’
They laugh at me
Throwing daggers
Giving into centuries of oppression
And saying the world will never change
They will never change
But I refuse to believe it
Ignorance isn’t bliss
You are not self righteous for refusing to care
You are a coward
Allowing the world to go on this forsaken path
You are part of the problem
The world won’t change if you wont change
If you don’t look in the mirror
to shame yourself for your willfulness
You wield so much more power than you realize
You can stop people from dying
You can stop the earth from dying
Don’t name call me
Don’t shame me
Because you know deep down you are selfish
I won’t apologize for speaking up
I am simply sorry that you are a sad excuse of a human being