homage to a strange diagnosis

by Natalie Swanson

the people all rise to applaud, 
call my name; damsel of demure.  
i think i might just be a fraud.   

humble goddess, an act from god; 
half my mind suggested de jure.  
the people all rise to applaud.  

 my proper term – an arthropod, 
silk shell – elixir of allure.  
i think i might just be a fraud.  

 obscure the mental firing squad! 
the last grand tour; you can`t endure. 
the people all rise to applaud 

 and now i`m trapped oh god! i`m flawed, 
they realize my brain is impure. 
i think i might just be a fraud.   

“meds falter your manic façade,” 
a thoughtful therapist assures. 
the people all rise to applaud; 
i think i might just be a fraud.