This is no time to get cold feet, Earl: here’s the polling firm. An order of motion simultaneously action and substance – is explosion a thing? I lost the instructions but I’m sure that’s my jellibaba. Again the political crawls in through the mail slot. I’m pellate, I need a closer, let’s hone. What comes after the banality of flight? I think that was an artery. Stop comprising, it’s nothing a little zoloft can’t fix. Sorry, the answer that we’re looking for is autochthonic.
Hopish in the aging center, the decision was made to rejoin the polka. Suddenly irony was cool again in a kitschy sort of way and young people adopted the amused sneer of a previous generation. “Everyone is remiss,” they chanted, until it was no longer pertinent. Did it matter that a number of relevant documents had been destroyed in the early 1960's?
Someone promised. It might have been your friend with the extractives. As if we could be other than formal. As if the ointments had been resolved in a fragrant assumption or the nachos had not been ordered. We were stuck in house style, practically irreplaced although not in those terms. Is that an agreeable itinerary?
Euphemism Campus Box 4240 Illinois State University, Normal, IL 61790-4240 |