Issue 10.1 Fall 2014

issue 10.1 cover image

Christmas Morning by Elora Karim


Editors for this Issue:

Ruben Rodriguez

Rachel Johannigmeier

Emily Miner

John Perkins

Mike Johnsen

Alison DeRuiter

Joann Bosas

Megan Schmitz


Volume 10 Issue 1



Untitled by Brady Adams

Accepting Average by Peter Zahparti

New Seasons and Scenes by Elizabeth Minarich

The Holiday by Erica Young

Freedom by Henri Seymour

Numbness by Joann Bosas

Princely Companions by John Perkins

A Bad Story by Rebekah Bennick




Mannikin Destiny by Kyle Hemmings

Lights Along Dublin River by Elora Karim

Path by Elora Karim

Christmas Morning by Elora Karim




My Attractive Parasite by Allison Sokolowski

Tunneler No. 81745552: Briefing by Benjamin Busch

something which wakes ceaslessly by Brady Adams

a mesostic from Anna Karenina #3 by Brady Adams

Insomniac Thought No. 37 by Christine Rodriquez

Nothing Matters (except the context) by Cody Parish

if I were a bird, but like a cool one by Peter Zahparti

On Riding the Metra by Peter Zahparti

Moonbeams by Daniel Cavi

I'm No Jesus by Daniel Cavi

if your brother were to step by Jacob Applehans

Ground and Gravity by Jacob Applehans

Reminiscence of the Never-were by John Perkins

Patchwork People by John Perkins

Um by Kyle Klendworth

Fake by Lindsey Rocks




Portrait of a Man by Eric Corey

White Bread by Gary Berg

Today and Tomorrow by John Perkins

Allie by Megan Schmitz

Sun by Paige Spizzo




Euphemism Campus Box 4240 Illinois State University, Normal, IL 61790-4240