"Untitled" by Priscilla Perez

Flash Fiction Special Issue Editors:

Phil Bruner

Jeff Rozalewicz

Alicia Raff

Scott Kinney

Chris Kreuger

Emily Miner

Bob Okroi III

Spring 2012 Flash Fiction Issue

Enjoy. . . and be quick about it.


Red Flannel in Whitechapel - Allie Marini Batts


Addicted to Grease - Patrick Burda


A Matter of Understanding - Katie DuBois


Self-fish Nobility - Katie DuBois


Meat and Potatoes - Adriana Gradea


The Toilet Fairy - Dustin Grayson


My Little Angels - Bill Johnson


Choices - Scott Kinney


Accidentally Alright - Chris Krueger


I Love You - Bob Okroi III


I Was - Kiersten Peshek


Soplónes - Steve Watkins


Yām Ham Mā́weṯ by Shelley L. Singler





Euphemism Campus Box 4240 Illinois State University, Normal, IL 61790-4240