"Biggie" by Jessica Fletcher
Editors for this Issue:
Jenna Salak
Michelle Trimpe
Phil Uebbing
Aida Giurgianu
Kevin Rogel
August Cassens
Renee Neiderkorn
Hot Dog by Emily Terlak
The Lotto by Danny Hajek
A Trippe to the Theatre by Emily Terlak
Dropping Like Flies by Adam Macholz
A Tale to Tell by Breanna Sherlock
Blistered by Colleen Burger
Brazilian Sugar Cane, Likewarm Beer, and an Italian with a Four-Inch Knife by Emily Voss
Two Sugars Please by Heather Fischer
Treasure Map by Katie Wolf
Boondocks by Phil Bruner
Troubled Times by Samantha Long
Fireworks by Scott Kinney
The Machete by Steve Ladson
Honorary Anything by Samantha Long
Lux by Brian Sorenson
Locked Love by Jessica Abbinante
cool flowers by Jessica Fletcher
wayne by Jessica Fletcher
Biggie by Jessica Fletcher
Hopeful Voice by Kelsey Schneider
Electric Feel by Kelsey Schneider
My Kind of Town by Kelsey Schneider
Father Apart by Josiah Rosenberger
For the Last Time by Josiah Rosenberger
Cup by Nicolas Walker
Scientifically Speaking by Nicolas Walker
The Wind and the Waves by Nicholas Jager
King Reason by Nicholas Jager
Color Stained by Mimi Duong
While I Still Can by Megan Young
Denied by Lisa Dominick
[stemming from the radical belief that a woman's body belongs to herself] by Lindsay Bryant
The Other Side of the Forest by Kristen Allen
Reality of Romance by Keri Lynn Wilson
Box of Rust by Keri Lynn Wilson
Mirror by Kelsey McGreer
Wooden Contentment by Kate Stasiak
Night by John Daniels
Metamorphic Sentiments by Jeremy Boehme
Apollo by Jenny Jackowski
Lore by Jane L. Carman
L.Ode by Jane L. Carman
Eulogy for Elsie Mae by Greg Dennis
God at the Bus Stop by Greg Dennis
Petrolum Disk by Gary Iverson
Warfaire by Gary Iverson
Ebb and Flow by Gary Iverson
Still by Elizabeth Barry
Exotica by Chris Jennings
Untitled by Caitlin Crooks
Something Mine by Caitlin Crooks
The Voice in the Screen by Brian Schmitt
Reflection by Artemis Steakley-Freeman
30 Percent Percipitation by Taylor Marrison
Strewn Quarters and Still Dealt Cards by Samantha Long
The Wild Approach by Rob Parrish
Because I Love Thee by Rob Parrish
Lights Out by Rebekah Budlong
The Veterans by Matthew Del Fiacco
She Sells, He Shells by Brenton Fisher
Mortigi Tempo by Brian Schmitt
Cleansing by Carolyn O'Hearn
Mayday by Chris Jennings
Polar Bear by Chris Krueger
Like Divine Inspiration by Chris Krueger
Eight Minutes by Drew Zimmerman
Ellipsis: The Understated Dreambody by Gary Iverson
Tune in Next Time by Greg Dennis
Death Slips the Nightmare Seed by Jeff Rozalewicz
The Ballroom by Jenny Jackowski
The Boy with Failing Calves by Joe Sullivan
Buzzing Bees by Katie DuBois
Hospital by Kiersten Peshek
Cigarettes and Scarves by Maclain Scott
Chalkboard Calligraphy by Maclain Scott
Warren by Mimi Duong
Caramel Coffee by Patrick Dwyer
The Perfect Bathroom by Ryan Hill
Road Tripping by Stephen Watkins
The Mirror by Tim Wagner
Altaration by Valerie Romack
Oberon by Patrick Dwyer
Euphemism Campus Box 4240 Illinois State University, Normal, IL 61790-4240 |