"Holiday Lights" by Lauren Jump
Editors for this Issue:
Ariana Haze
Elizabeth Brei
Tom Krawczyk
Teresa O’Donnell
Holms Troelstrop
Kari Kantor
Heather Pugh
Sarah Chance
Marcos Figueroa
Ryan Massey
Amy Weissenburger
Vicky Hallstrom
Mother by Ashley Wilkinson
From the Watchtower by Nicholas Mitchel
My Cliff by Allison Hall
Camping by Jaimie Gleissner
Calle Ocho by Adrienne Ward
Ashtray by Elizabeth Brei
A Word of Warning by Elizabeth Brei
Our Dead Cat: A Love Story by Bill Johnson
Girl on the Rooftop by Bill Johnson
On the Red Barstool by Amy Rourke
First Touch by Heather O'Leary
Holiday Lights by Lauren Jump
Rusty Bike by Lauren Jump
Watercolor Drip by Lauren Jump
SUBMIT minusNAME by Anthony DeSantis
Soccer. . . . Dad? by Amy Determan
The Other Side of the Wall by Rachel Stanford
Pride by Shane Fredrick
I Love You by Maggie Dorsey
Into the Psych Ward by Eric C. Johnson
Dinner for Three by Kristen Lee
Heavy by Katie Goeing
Two Meditations on Age by Lexi Baldacci
My indulgence into class pretentions may prove fatal by Kathleen Dusenbery
Time Flips the Coin by Kathleen Dusenbery
THE(E): Sex, Ganja, and Metaphysics (a rap) by Matthew Shrider
Son's Confused by Matthew Shrider
Eggs by Thomme Zimmerman
Buddy Guy's by Thomme Zimmerman
Twenty-One by Joseph D. Goff
September by I Abdalla
Recycle by Carly Xagas
Reverse by Carly Xagas
Dirty Katrina by Alissa Miller
Vicious Circle by Andrew Peck
aye sarge by Colleen Burger
fuel by Colleen Burger
A Sonnet by Ingrid Pope
Dear Teacher by Alison Kough
1:23 a.m. by Rachel Stanford
Peaches and Cream by Todd Eddy
The Girl Made of Glass by Bill Johnson
Self Portrait in Four Parts (after Mancini) by Paula Kolek
Untitled by Paula Kolek
On Leaving Rachael at School by Vicky Hallstrom
eyes by Julia DiPiazza
clotting factor by Daniel Scott
i do drugs with shoestring thugs by Daniel Scott
five seven five by Daniel Scott
Divergence by Sean Lewis
May Day by Elizabeth Brei
Season 2 by Marcos Figueroa
Blossom Alive by Amy Rourke
Euphemism Campus Box 4240 Illinois State University, Normal, IL 61790-4240 |