Oh moonside nebula floating
An equestrian dream
Latent squozen showgut
Ardent & swollen
Shitbrick of twine
…were it not old & leaksy
Shew! HARK
Stallion with a gimp
Dirty pig pens await.
oDd were it not
Semblancing of a dot
Burlesquean vignette
Cookie smashed in fishnet
‘Tiz none but Ezra Pound
How lovely & sneedsie you looney-loo feezy
Mister “Me PISAN everything!”
The wombat concurs
Your PIS is acidic,
Mostly when eaten with crackers, mostly.
La dee fleepin’ daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, you can PISAN things E-Z-R-AAAA!!
So can Dante and little fannyboo
Kiss the hand of [ ] times two
Did Lynyrd inspire your birds on a wire?
One on six off two sideways three across nine backwards four corn sixty-eight upside up
_____ birds akin to a wire…
But, Skynrd said you were free.
BIRDIE! BIRDIE! FREE! FreebirdiebirdiebirdiebirdieBiRd, sir
T-welve guppies on
Siamese TrAMPolines.
thirsty thirsty no water for slurping, tunnels exerted
Guppies = DRY! (like hardened PLAy-TO..philosophize me) junebug~
Alas…una caja llena de sangre verde
He says, ‘a box full of green blood….’
Is What Makes The Sun Come Up.
Interesting contextualization sunnysidetwistedovereasyscrambled…
Jumble of brain pain
Cantos are conceited strains of murky
elucidated sayings…
Figure 8 concentrate
For PRISON is the elixir of life
to a lackey amid the
sky full of rye
Euphemism Campus Box 4240 Illinois State University, Normal, IL 61790-4240 |